SEEK History

The SEEK retreat is an expansion of a workshop of the same name that was presented by slave Riches in Minnesota early in 2014. The idea for that workshop came about when Sergeant Major and Riches were discussing the comments they’d been hearing regarding the local community having a thirst for more knowledge… but not just more classes on the ‘how-to’s” but rather the “whys”. Why do we do what we do? Who are the players in this magical thing called BDSM and what are the roles? What is our part in this big, wide community here in Minnesota and beyond?

As a result of competing for and being honored with the title of Great Lakes Master/slave couple 2006, Sergeant Major and Riches took on the responsibility of teaching others what they knew and modeling their M/s dynamic. They have presented many workshops at many events in MN and around the US in the years since then, and their focus has been on the “whys”, the meat and bones of our lifestyle.

Riches is a multi-year attendee of a wonderful event called Submissive Journey Weekend (SJW). Each spring she has embarked on a long roadtrip from Minnesota to Tennessee with other Minnesota submissives. Hints had been made for a few years that it would be fabulous to have a weekend event like SJW in the midwest. Following the inaugural SEEK workshop that very idea was mentioned casually to its attendees and was met with a resounding “Yes, do it!” Volunteers stepped up to help, and planning began.

The first SEEK weekend retreat was held in late September 2014 with 20 attendees enjoying their choices of up to eight classes put on phenomenal presenters, large group discussions, social time and relaxing in the wonderful natural setting.  It is hoped that the retreat will become a cherished annual event such as SJW is, with education blended with socialization to truly enrich and empower submissives.