SEEK and you will find…









Perhaps past attendees say it best, so here are a few testimonials:


To SEEK is to find my center again, my home-self.” — willowspirit


It was informative, funny and interesting. I learned many things and had a great time with old friends and was delighted to meet new ones.”  ~ Thumper5670


I spent the day in a seminar for submissive and learned more about who I am then anything I have ever been at before….it totally blew me out of the water….it made me think about who and what I truly am and helped me figure out things about myself that I have no words for…I now have words for it and it is powerful.”   ~ fairydragonstar


After the initial workshop in 2014 there was much encouragement to hold a weekend-long retreat.   Many volunteers stepped up, and the retreat became a reality.  We are blessed to be holding the sixth annual retreat in September 2019.

Come see for yourself what valuable information, insights and experiences you’ll gain!